Fantastico Hosting? Try Softaculous!

Install faster & safer with Softaculous 1-Click Installer

We replaced Fantastico with Softaculous for a better 1-click Experience.

Using Fantastico to install and manage your hosting apps? We've switched to Softaculous, which allows you to install, manage and update easier. You'll also have access to over 150 popular applications versus the small selection that Fantastico has. Our Softaculous hosting is currently the best 1-click installer in the industry. Our site migration team will easily help you migrate your existing apps into Softaculous.

  • 300+ Popular Applications
  • Free Domain Name Registration or Transfer
  • Free Softaculous Installer
  • Free Website Transfer
  • 1-Click Install & Auto-Updates.
  • Free Daily Backup Service
  • Unlimited SSD RAID-10 Storage & Data Transfer
  • Multiple Server Locations
  • 24/7 Expert Support
  • See all of the web hosting features
Regularly $9.95/mo
GreenGeeks is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Fantastico Project or its trademark owners.