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  4. How to Use Landing Pages With the GreenGeeks Affiliates Program

How to Use Landing Pages With the GreenGeeks Affiliates Program

The GreenGeeks affiliate program allows you to send your referrals to different parts of our site where they may have a special interest, such as Going Green or WordPress Hosting.

Check the table below and add the number that corresponds to the landing page you’d like to use to your referral link like this:

Where # is the number of the landing page from the table.

So for example, if you wanted your referrals to land on the WordPress hosting page, you would use the following URL:

Landing Page#
Shared Hosting1
Reseller Hosting2
WordPress Hosting6
GreenGeeks Reviews Page16
Website Transfer7
Drupal Hosting9
Joomla Hosting11 Website5
Dedicated Servers4
VPS Hosting3
Going Green14
WooCommerce Hosting187
cPanel Hosting171
CMS Hosting8
Magento Hosting52
PrestaShop Hosting74
OpenCart Hosting60

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