Important: make and retain a copy of your website and database files before submitting a cancellation request.
GreenGeeks’ services automatically renew. You can adjust the auto-renew status or immediately cancel at any time.
Disable Auto Renew
To adjust the auto-renewal status or immediately cancel your account, log in to your GreenGeeks Dashboard and select the “Manage” button next to the Hosting Service or Domain.
On the Management page, you’ll see the current Auto Renew status, along with the link to Enable or Disable Auto-Renewal accordingly.
Hosting Service Example

Domain Registration Example

To adjust the auto-renewal status for a service addon, like a WHMCS License, access the Management page for the associated service and select the Addons tab.

Access A Cancellation Request
Once you’ve deactivated auto-renewal, a cancellation request will be generated and a copy will be sent to your email.
Additionally, you can find the cancellation requests on the Billing tab of your GreenGeeks Dashboard:

Enable Auto Renew
You can re-enable auto-renew on a service by accessing the Cancellation Request for this service.
On the Cancellation Request page, click on the “I Changed My Mind” button

Complete the process by clicking “Yes” to Enable Auto Renewal on that service.
Cancel Now
Cancel Now will terminate your GreenGeeks account immediately without waiting for the service expiration date.
To Cancel Now, disable auto-renew on the service you wish to cancel.
As auto-renew is disabled, you’ll receive the link to the Cancellation Request form with the option to Cancel Now.
Select the “Cancel Now” button and follow the prompts to proceed.

Questions or Issues
If you have questions about adjusting the auto-renew status for your services or canceling your account, please open a ticket with the billing department in GreenGeeks.