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  4. How to Set up Private DNS at GoDaddy

How to Set up Private DNS at GoDaddy

First login to your GoDaddy account.

  1. Go to Domains >> My Domains
  2. Click on your domain you’d like to set up private nameservers for
  3. Click on (add) under ‘Host Summary’ on the bottom left.
  4. For “Host Name:” you’ll input “ns1” (no quotes) in the box.
  5. For “Host IP 1:”
  6. Click “Ok” – Your first nameserver has been created.
  7. Click on (add) under ‘Host Summary’ on the bottom left again.
  8. For “Host Name:” you’ll input “ns2” (no quotes) in the box.
  9. For “Host IP 2:
  10. Click “OK” – Your second nameserver has been created.

**If you get stuck on any of the above steps, please call GoDaddy support with the IP’s above and they will walk you through the procedure**

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