DokuWiki Web Hosting

Blazing Fast & Secure Hosting for DokuWiki

DokuWiki is an excellent choice for a content management system. It is powerful, fast, and secure. But where should you host your DokuWiki installation? GreenGeeks Hosting makes an excellent choice for DokuWiki hosting. We have optimized our web hosting service specifically for DokuWiki, ensuring that your wiki runs quickly and securely - and is supported better than our competition!


Perfect for small websites or blogs that are just getting started.
$2.95 /month
Discounted from $11.95/month
  • One Website
  • Standard Performance
  • 50GB Web Space
  • Unmetered Transfer
  • 50 E-mail Accounts
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Free Domain Name for 1st Year
  • Free Nightly Backup
  • Free CDN
  • Managed WordPress
  • Built-in Caching
  • Unlimited Databases
  • 300% Green Energy Match
  • 1 Tree Planted
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • +
  • Multi-user Access


Great for growing websites that need more speed and resources.
Discounted from $16.95/month
  • Unlimited Websites
  • Better Performance
  • Unlimited Web Space
  • Unmetered Transfer
  • Unlimited E-mail Accounts
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Free Domain Name for 1st Year
  • Free Nightly Backup
  • Free CDN
  • Managed WordPress
  • Built-in Caching
  • Unlimited Databases
  • 300% Green Energy Match
  • 1 Tree Planted
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • +
  • Multi-user Access
  • On-demand Backups
  • WordPress Repair Tool


Our small business plan is perfect for busy websites or online stores.
Discounted from $26.95/month
  • Unlimited Websites
  • Best Performance
  • Unlimited Web Space
  • Unmetered Transfer
  • Unlimited E-mail Accounts
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Free Domain Name for 1st Year
  • Free Nightly Backup
  • Free CDN
  • Managed WordPress
  • Built-in Caching
  • Unlimited Databases
  • 300% Green Energy Match
  • 1 Tree Planted
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • +
  • Multi-user Access
  • On-demand Backups
  • WordPress Repair Tool
  • Free Dedicated IP ($48/yr value)
  • Free AlphaSSL ($99/yr value)
  • Object Caching (Redis)


Perfect for small websites or blogs that are just getting started.
Discounted from $11.95/month
  • One Website
  • Standard Performance
  • 50GB Web Space
  • Unmetered Transfer
  • 50 E-mail Accounts
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Free Domain Name for 1st Year
  • Free Nightly Backup
  • Free CDN
  • Managed WordPress
  • Built-in Caching
  • Unlimited Databases
  • 300% Green Energy Match
  • 1 Tree Planted
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • +
  • Multi-user Access


Great for growing websites that need more speed and resources.
Discounted from $16.95/month
  • Unlimited Websites
  • Better Performance
  • Unlimited Web Space
  • Unmetered Transfer
  • Unlimited E-mail Accounts
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Free Domain Name for 1st Year
  • Free Nightly Backup
  • Free CDN
  • Managed WordPress
  • Built-in Caching
  • Unlimited Databases
  • 300% Green Energy Match
  • 1 Tree Planted
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • +
  • Multi-user Access
  • On-demand Backups
  • WordPress Repair Tool


Our small business plan is perfect for busy websites or online stores.
Discounted from $26.95/month
  • Unlimited Websites
  • Best Performance
  • Unlimited Web Space
  • Unmetered Transfer
  • Unlimited E-mail Accounts
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Free Domain Name for 1st Year
  • Free Nightly Backup
  • Free CDN
  • Managed WordPress
  • Built-in Caching
  • Unlimited Databases
  • 300% Green Energy Match
  • 1 Tree Planted
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • +
  • Multi-user Access
  • On-demand Backups
  • WordPress Repair Tool
  • Free Dedicated IP ($48/yr value)
  • Free AlphaSSL ($99/yr value)
  • Object Caching (Redis)

Why Choose GreenGeeks for DokuWiki Hosting?

GreenGeeks is one of the best choices for DokuWiki Hosting. We have optimized our web hosting service specifically for DokuWiki, ensuring that your wiki runs quickly and securely - and is supported better than our competition!

Custom DokuWiki Installation

Custom DokuWiki Installation

We can install DokuWiki for you with just a few clicks, so you don't have to worry about a thing. Plus, our expert 24/7 support is always available to help you with any questions or problems that you may have.

Custom DokuWiki Installation
Secure and Reliable Technology

Secure and Reliable Technology

We use the latest in security and technology to keep your data safe and secure. Our servers are protected by industry-leading firewalls, and we employ strict security measures to keep your data safe. Plus, we use the latest in server technology to ensure that your DokuWiki experience is as smooth as possible.

Fast and Secure Servers Optimized for DokuWiki

Fast and Secure Servers Optimized for DokuWiki

By using reliable and secure hardware backed by our expert technicians, we can ensure that your DokuWiki experience is fast and smooth. Plus, our servers are monitored 24/7 for any potential issues, so you can rest assured knowing that your wiki is in safe hands.

Fast and Secure Servers Optimized for DokuWiki
Expert Support: All-Day & Night

Expert Support: All-Day & Night

Our support staff is available 24/7, all day, every day. We're always happy to help you with any questions or problems that you may have - so don't hesitate to get in touch!

The Best DokuWiki Hosting Solution

If you're looking for a great DokuWiki host, look no further than GreenGeeks. Our support staff is friendly and knowledgeable - ready to answer any questions that you may have. Plus, we offer easy-to-use tools (including our custom installer) to make your hosting experience as smooth as possible!

Free DokuWiki Transfer to GreenGeeks

Already using DokuWiki? We'll be happy to transfer your wiki over to us for free - no hassle, and no downtime. Plus, you can keep all of your existing data and configuration settings!

GreenGeeks Makes Your Job Easy

GreenGeeks provides an easy-to-use cPanel interface, a custom installation of DokuWiki, daily backups, and speeds optimized for DokuWiki. Plus, our support team is always happy to help you with any questions or problems that you may have. So why wait? Sign up today and start using the best DokuWiki host around!

Peace of Mind with Daily Backups

Don't worry about losing your data - we've got you covered! GreenGeeks offers free daily backups to all of our customers, so if anything ever goes wrong (don't worry, it won't!), you can rest assured knowing that we have a copy of everything.

Servers All Around the World for Faster Speeds

When it comes to site engagement, speed matters. At GreenGeeks we take performance very seriously. We utilize data centers around the world, so that you can choose the best location for your DokuWiki installation. This ensures faster load times and better performance.

Free Data Migration from Other Hosts to GreenGeeks

Data migration can be a harrowing task - but not with GreenGeeks! We'll be happy to transfer your data over to us for free, so you don't have to worry about a thing. Plus, you can keep all of your existing data and configuration settings!

Unlimited SSD RAID-10 Storage & Data Transfer

We know that your data is important to you, so we offer unlimited SSD RAID-protected storage and data transfer. This means that you can upload as much data as you want - without having to worry about exceeding your limit.

cPanel & DokuWiki Integration for Easy Use

Our cPanel interface provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for managing your DokuWiki installation. It's easy to use and provides access to all of the tools you need to keep your DokuWiki site up and running smoothly.

Get Access to Popular CMSs Not Just DokuWiki

At GreenGeeks, we believe in giving our customers the best possible experience. That's why we provide access to a variety of popular CMSs like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and more. What's even better? You can install these CMSs with just one click!

Get a Free Domain Name for 1-Year with DokuWiki Hosting

When you sign up for our DokuWiki hosting package, we'll give you a free domain name for one year. Plus, you can keep your existing domain name if you already have one.

Free SSL Certificate for All DokuWiki Hosting Packages

We're proud to offer free SSL certificates for all of our DokuWiki hosting packages. This means that your data will be encrypted and secure, providing an extra layer of protection for your site.

Free Intuitive Website Builder

If you're not satisfied with DokuWiki as your CMS, we have an intuitive website builder that's easy to use. It comes with a variety of templates and features, so you can design the perfect website for your needs.

GreenGeeks Supports Your Growth

We're always here to help you grow your business. That's why we offer a wide range of features and tools to help you get the most out of your DokuWiki hosting package. We want to make sure that you have everything you need to succeed online!

Eco-Friendly Hosting That Makes a Difference

GreenGeeks is an eco-friendly host, which means that we purchase renewable energy credits on your behalf. This offsets the electricity used by our servers and provides green energy to the power grid in the process. We're dedicated to providing clean, renewable energy - so you can feel good about choosing GreenGeeks!

The Word On the Street

55,000+ Customers Trust GreenGeeks

DokuWiki Hosting FAQ

What is DokuWiki?

DokuWiki is a popular open-source wiki software that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating documentation, managing projects, and more.

What are the system requirements?

The system requirements vary depending on the version of DokuWiki you're using. However, in general, you'll need at least PHP v.s. and a web server that supports PHP.

Is DokuWiki Secure?

DokuWiki is known for its excellent security features. It uses a secure hash algorithm to encrypt passwords, so no one can access your wiki without authorization. It also has an array of other security features that make it one of the most secure options out there!

Is DokuWiki Easy to Use for Beginners?

DokuWiki is a fairly easy platform to use, even for beginners. It has a simple user interface and can be easily customized to meet your needs.

Can I Install Other CMSs on My DokuWiki Hosting Package?

Yes, you can install other CMSs on your DokuWiki hosting package with just one click. We provide access to a variety of popular CMSs, so you can choose the one that's best for your needs.

Is DokuWiki Easy to Use for Beginners?

DokuWiki is a fairly easy platform to use, even for beginners. It has a simple user interface and can be easily customized to meet your needs.

Can I Get a Free Domain Name with My DokuWiki Hosting Package?

Yes, when you sign up for our DokuWiki hosting package, we'll give you a free domain name for one year. You can keep your existing domain name if you already have one.

Do I Need to Buy an SSL Certificate for My DokuWiki Hosting Package?

No, you don't need to buy an SSL certificate for your DokuWiki hosting package. We provide free SSL certificates for all of our packages, so your data will be encrypted and secure.

What If I'm Not Satisfied with DokuWiki As My CMS?

If you're not satisfied with DokuWiki as your CMS, we have an intuitive website builder that's easy to use. It comes with a variety of templates and features, so you can design the perfect website for your needs.

What are the Best DokuWiki Themes?

There are many great DokuWiki themes out there. However, some of the best ones include:

  • Dokuwiki Clean Template Theme - This theme is designed to be clean and minimalist, with a simple layout that's easy on the eyes. It has lots of white space so you can focus on your content without distractions.
  • DokuWiki Bootstrap Template - This theme is another minimalist option that uses a simple grid system to create an uncluttered look. It's perfect for people who are looking for something sleek and modern!
  • DokuWiki Classic Theme - If you're looking for something more traditional, this classic DokuWiki theme may be just what you need. It has all of the classic elements that make a wiki appealing, including a tree structure and color-coded links for easy navigation.
  • DokuWiki Bootstrap Template - This DokuWiki template uses colors instead of grid systems to create an eye-catching design that's sure to grab attention. It's great for people who want something more colorful than most other DokuWiki templates out there!

What are some Alternatives to DokuWiki?

If you're not satisfied with DokuWiki, here are some alternatives to consider:

  • MediaWiki - This software is designed for creating and managing wikis. It's very popular and has a large user base.
  • Confluence - This software is designed for businesses and organizations who need to create and share knowledge collaboratively. It's feature-rich and has a variety of pricing plans to meet your needs.
  • SharePoint - This software is designed for businesses who need to create and manage websites and wikis. It's feature-rich and has a variety of pricing plans to meet your needs.

Which is Better DokuWiki or MediaWiki?

Both DokuWiki and MediaWiki are great options for creating a wiki. But which one is better? Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each:

  • DokuWiki Pros - It's free, easy to install, has lots of plugins available (including WYSIWYG), and allows you to create private wikis.
  • DokuWiki Cons - It doesn't have a lot of features built-in, so you may need to install plugins to get the functionality you need.
  • MediaWiki Pros - It has lots of features built-in, including support for extensions and templates. It's also very scalable, making it a good choice for large wikis.
  • MediaWiki Cons - It can be more complicated to install and configure than DokuWiki. It also requires a web server with PHP and MySQL support.

In the end, it's up to you which software you prefer. Both are great options that have their unique benefits. So, choose the one that best suits your needs!

* The promotional price is for the first term and renews at the regular rate.