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Getting Started: GreenGeeks Dashboard

The GreenGeeks dashboard is the brain for your entire setup. It is here that you will be able to build, manage, and create. You will need to have your appropriate email and password to log in to GreenGeeks. This is found in the Welcome Email that was sent to you when you finished the initial account setup.

Log in to GreenGeeks

You will be able to access your cPanel and everything else from GreenGeeks. Log in to GreenGeeks.

If by some chance you did not receive a Welcome Email, please click on the “Forgot Password” link and if you still have issues contact our Support Department and we will assist you right away

Pointing Your Domain Name to GreenGeeks

If you did not register your domain name with GreenGeeks you will need to point the domain to get it on our hosting platform. Log into your domain registrar’s portal and set the following recommended GreenGeeks Nameservers:

  • Nameserver 1: (
  • Nameserver 2: (

Note: GreenGeeks DNS uses Anycast technology. This means that your DNS traffic will automatically be routed to the nearest geographic location for the best performance possible.

Setting Up Your Website

Scroll down to the Softaculous section and use the one-click install ability to install WordPress, Joomla, Magento, or any of the other one-click available apps

For more detailed information on creating a website from start to finish checkout the GreenGeeks step by step guide for creating a website.

Setting Up Email

You can easily create and setup emails in GreenGeeks. Follow our easy to understand guides on email setup with GreenGeeks.

Contact our Support Department if you have any questions with email.

Create FTP Accounts

Using FTP to manage files is a great way to work on the go when you can’t (or don’t want to) log in to GreenGeeks to access cPanel. Here is everything you need to know about FTP and GreenGeeks.

Contact our Support Department for additional help if needed.

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