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  4. Where to Find Mail Server Login Information for GreenGeeks-hosted Domains

Where to Find Mail Server Login Information for GreenGeeks-hosted Domains

To use email for your GreenGeeks-hosted domains, you’ll have to either use one of the available webmail options or configure an email program to send and receive mail.

No matter which email program you choose, the configuration will require login credentials for the email account and the server information. The server information is something you need to find on your server. It includes IMAP, POP3, and SMTP.

Step 1: Enter the cPanel

Log into GreenGeeks and go to cPanel by clicking the “cPanel” button in the Your Accounts section.

cPanel Button

Step 2: Access the Email Accounts

In the Email section, click the Email Accounts” option.

Email Accounts

Step 3: Locate Your Server Info

You should now see a list of the email accounts associated with your web hosting account. Each one of these has the same options available.

Click the “Connect Devices” button in the row for the email account that you are adding to your email program.

Connect Devices

The top of the next page will provide some automatic configuration scripts for a few email programs.

For our purposes, we’re going to scroll down to the “Mail Client Manual Settings” section to see the connection configuration information.

Mail Server Settings

The information here should be all that’s needed to set up the vast majority of email programs or connections.

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